
WyoRINO 2024

WyoRINO 2024 Scorecards are Live! 

After a thorough review of thousands of votes cast during the 2024 Budget Session, WyoRINO is proud to publish this year’s Legislative Scorecards.

As always, WyoRINO examined legislator votes on dozens of bills.

After narrowing our analysis down to ten pieces of legislation that closely mirror the priorities of the Wyoming Republican Party, RINOs remained RINOs, while true Republicans remained true Republicans.

You can check out the 2024 Voting Index Summary below. Be sure to examine the expanded scorecards here, and familiarize yourself with the included bill summaries.

Are you represented by a RINO? Visit wyoleg.gov to examine other votes your lawmaker took and to find his or her contact information.


As always, please keep in mind that WyoRINO is not affiliated with the Wyoming State Republican Party. However, just as the election integrity process is something to be mindful of, so is the integrity of the Republican party and the candidates who run on the Republican ticket. It is up to us to expose RINO legislators who are Dems in sheep’s clothing.

Help us continue our mission to expose WyoRINOs in our state and encourage true, practicing Republicans to represent the people of Wyoming! 

Ride for the Brand, Wyoming



What is a RINO? A Republican in Name Only

Have you as a loyal Republican, gone to the polls year after year, voting for candidates with an “R” beside their name, trusting they would legislate and vote like a Republican but only to be disappointed?

Don’t feel bad – so have we.

The time is long overdue to hold politicians accountable for big government, big regulation, big taxation laws – values that the Republican party does NOT support.

This is the primary reason WyoRINO.com was created – to expose liberal Wyoming Republicans who violate our Wyoming Republican values.


WyoRINO Voting Index Summary 2024

2024 RED = RINO

Sen. Furphy – 10%
Rep. Andrew – 100%

Sen. Cooper – 30%
Sen. Laursen – 100%
Rep. Banks – 70%
Rep. Lawley – 30%
Rep. Winter – 90%

Sen. Barlow – 50%
Sen. Driskill – 30%
Sen. McKeown – 100%
Rep. Angelos – 100%
Rep. Bear – 100%
Rep. Clouston – 10%
Rep. Knapp – 100%
Rep. Tarver – 90%

Sen. Hicks – 90%
Rep. Burkhart – 10%
Rep. Davis – 50%

Sen. Boner – 80%
Rep. Strock – 100%
Rep. Chadwick – 10%

Sen. Driskill – 30%
Rep. Neiman 100%

Sen. Case – 10%
Sen. Cooper – 30%
Sen. Salazar – 100%
Rep. Larsen – 10%
Rep. Oakley – 10%
Rep. Ottman – 90%
Rep. Penn – 100%
Rep. Winter – 90%

Sen. Steinmetz – 100%
Rep. Slagle – 100%
Rep. Smith – 100%

Sen. Cooper – 30%
Rep. Winter – 90%

Sen. Kinskey – 100%
Rep. Crago – 10%

Sen. Bouchard – 100%
Sen. Brennan – 90%
Sen. Ellis – 44%
Sen. Hutchings – 100%
Sen. Nethercott – 30%
Sen. Pappas – 10%
Rep. Brown – 20%
Rep. Eklund – 20%
Rep. Haroldson – 100%
Rep. Henderson – 0%
Rep. Hornok – 100%
Rep. Nicholas – 0%
Rep. Olsen – 20%
Rep. Singh – 90%
Rep. Styvar – 100%
Rep. Trujillo – 50%
Rep. ZwonitzerDn – 0%
Rep. ZwonitzerDv – 0%

Sen. Baldwin – 0%
Sen. Dockstader – 60%
Rep. Allred – 30%
Rep. Byron – 10%
Rep. Heiner – 100%
Rep. Sommers – 20%

Sen. Anderson – 0%
Sen. Boner – 80%
Sen. Ide – 100%
Sen. Landen – 22%
Sen. Scott – 80%
Rep. Allemand – 100%
Rep. Chadwick – 10%
Rep. Harshman – 10%
Rep. Locke – 100%
Rep. O’Hearn – 10%
Rep. Obermueller – 10%
Rep. Walters – 10%
Rep. Ward – 100%
Rep. Washut – 40%

Sen. Steinmetz – 100%
Rep. Slagle – 100%

Sen. Cooper – 30%
Sen. French – 100%
Sen. Laursen – 100%
Rep. Banks – 70%
Rep. Newsome – 10%
Rep. Northrup – 10%
Rep. R-Williams – 100%
Rep. Winter – 90%

Sen. Bouchard – 100%
Rep. Haroldson – 100%

Sen. Biteman – 100%
Sen. Kinskey – 100%
Rep. Crago – 10%
Rep. Jennings – 100%
Rep. Pendergraft – 100%
Rep. Western – 20%

Sen. Baldwin – 0%
Rep. Sommers – 20%

Sen. Baldwin – 0%
Sen. Hicks – 90%
Sen. Jones – 60%
Sen. Kolb – 90%
Rep. Burkhart – 10%
Rep. Davis – 50%
Rep. Heiner – 100%
Rep. Larson JT – 13%
Rep. Neimiec – 10%
Rep. Stith – 20%
Rep. Wylie – 10%

Sen. Dockstader – 60%
Rep. Byron – 10%

Sen. Baldwin – 0%
Sen. Schuler – 20%
Rep. Berger – 10%
Rep. Conrad – 10%
Rep. Heiner – 100%

Sen. Cooper – 30%
Rep. Lawley – 30%

Sen. Driskill – 30%
Sen. Steinmetz – 100%
Rep. Slagle – 100%

*RED highlight indicates a RINO (score below 70%)

Below are links to the 2023 Summary (what you see above), and the Senate and House Scorecards showing the votes on bills and their descriptions.

Index Summary 2024

2024 Senate and House Scorecards

* DISCLAIMER:  Ride for the Brand, Wyoming is not affiliated with any other person, organization, political party or publication and does not speak for anyone but itself.  The views and opinions expressed herein are those of Ride for the Brand, Wyoming only, and do not represent the view, opinion, official policy or position of any other person, organization, political party or publication whatsoever with which its members have been, are now, or will be affiliated with in the future.

WyoRINO.com is an index that is based on the Platform and the Resolutions of the Wyoming Republican Party, which are passed in convention every two years by thousands of elected grass roots Republicans.  This valuable tool scores Wyoming legislators based on their adherence to the timeless Republican values which will always inform and direct our party and country, regardless of current events.  These lofty principles include but are not limited to, adherence to U.S. Constitution, the defense of life, liberty and property, limited government, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, fiscal responsibility and a free market economy.

If your Wyoming state senator or representative ran on the Republican Party ticket, it is correct and logical to assume that once elected, your legislator will actually vote like a Republican.  Far too often, however, that is not the case.  This is why WyoRINO.com was established – to expose liberal Wyoming Republicans who hold office.

The percentages which are indicated on the Voting Index reflect the cumulative scores based on ten key votes during each Wyoming Legislative session.  These particular bills were chosen by Ride for the Brand, Wyoming due to their easily identifiable traits in relation to Republican values. To examine the bills which were rated and their explanation, click on the WyoRINO Voting Index tab.

We encourage readers to examine how their own state legislators voted on each of the ten key measures. Ride for the Brand, Wyoming believes that a score below 70% indicates a RINO legislator. In the world of education, anything below 70% is considered a failing grade and we agree.

We also encourage readers and voters to commend their legislators for their constitutional votes and urge improvement where needed.