Surviving a close race in Wyoming’s Primary Election, Rep. Cyrus Western (HD 51 – Sheridan) hopefully got the message that many of his constituents aren’t happy with his 40% WyoRINO score.
Four bills that were related in some respect to election integrity processes, (HJ 03, HB 49, HB 52, HB 80), provided Western an opportunity to advance strong election practices. And yet, Western failed to do so.
During a time in our nation’s history where honest elections are under unprecedented assault, it is critically important to have Wyoming’s state legislators stand strong. As an issue of high priority in the Wyoming Republican Party, Western needs to see the light and improve his voting record on this important topic.
If not, maybe the results of the 2024 primary election will not go as well. Rep. Cyrus Western was lucky this time. Let’s hope that this close call will cause him to improve his representation in Wyoming’s legislature and adhere to Republican party principles.
Representative Western can be contacted at or give him a jingle at (307) 202-9497.