Located in the capitol city and political swampland of Wyoming, Representative Jared Olsen (HD 11) of Laramie county fits well into that landscape.
With the decimated industries of coal, oil and gas, you would think that Rep. Olsen would make sure that Wyoming’s resources aren’t stretched any further.
Not only in 2020 did Rep. Olsen vote against HB 108, Ban on Sanctuary Cities, he also voted in 2019 against HB 151 which would have strengthened national security by prohibiting sanctuary cities in Wyoming.
To put law abiding Wyoming citizens at risk of criminal illegal alien activities is unconscionable. With local jails and state prisons housing illegal immigrants, to create even more strain on taxpayers who carry the financial burden is beyond irresponsible.
Rep. Jared Olsen has many, many more concerning votes that violate true Republican principles. If you are troubled by these votes, feel free to contact him at 307-509-0242 or jared.olsen@wyoleg.gov.