
RINO of the Month December 2021

Rep. Barry Crago

Ho! Ho! Ho! Just in time for the holidays, December’s WyoRINO not only has delivered coal to his constituents on a consistent basis throughout his term as a legislator, Santa Crago voted to rob their stockings with increased taxation and government spending.

We are wondering if Wyoming Representative Barry Crago (HD 40-Johnson) slipped into office on his boyish good looks or schmoozed Johnson county voters that he would be a strong conservative? Either way, Rep. Crago has been a huge disappointment.

Crago’s appetite to increase the size and spending of state government was proven by his votes on HB 49 Agency Fee Revisions, HB 146 Personal Property Appreciation, HB 162 Medicaid Expansion, HB 165 Wyoming’s Tomorrow Scholarship, HB 179 Optional Municipal Tax Elections, and HB 219 Investment Funds Committee.

Need we list more?

Elections are coming up in less than a year. Maybe it would be a good idea for Rep. Barry Crago to step aside and let a true Republican serve the voters of Johnson county. Rep. Crago can be reached at (307) 267-9789 or barry.crago@wyoleg.gov.