The year is coming to a close, and RINOs across the state are getting worried. A group of RINOs has decided to gather together to create a scorecard of their own, even modeled after WyoRINO. We must say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
RINOs everywhere are putting their elephant costumes back on as they re-enter public life with a zeal for “true conservatism.” It’s the same song and dance we see every two years.
Some RINOs have missed the memo, and have continued to show their true colors. That’s why the final RINO of the Month Award of 2023 goes to Representative J.T. Larson (HD 17, Sweetwater). During November’s meeting of the Joint Minerals Committee, Representative Larson echoed the “climate crisis” talking points of Governor Gordon when he claimed that fossil fuels are on the way out. Perhaps he’s gotten comfortable acting openly as a RINO- after all, Representative Larson voted for Medicaid expansion, for giving himself a raise (after only a few months on the job), and against protecting Wyomingites from vaccine and mask mandates.
If you’d like to ask Representative Larson why he doesn’t share the top priorities of Wyoming Republicans, he can be reached at (307) 389-0162 or JT.Larson@wyoleg.gov. Term ends 2025