February is often thought of as the month of love. This month’s RINO of the Month Award goes to a freshman lawmaker who loves to talk about her private parts and reproductive organs almost as much as she loves to vote with Democrats.
- Representative Elissa Campbell (HD 56, Natrona) is new to the Legislature but has quickly made a name for herself as one of the most liberal members of the body. In just a few short weeks, Representative Campbell has:
- Fought against every pro-life bill before the Wyoming House
- Voted against school choice
- Insulted homeschool families
- Voted against every bill to protect your Second Amendment rights
- Opposed simple election integrity bills
- Failed to protect women and girls by voting against the “What is a Woman Act.”
Representative Campbell is free to be a radical liberal– but she certainly shouldn’t masquerading as a Republican.
You can follow her votes this session and find his contact information at wyoleg.gov.
Term ends: 2027