
RINO of the Month June 2020

Rep. Bill Pownall

Never at a loss for scoping out RINO game, Campbell county’s, HD 52, Representative Bill Pownall was easy to identify for this month’s RINO of Distinction award.

During the 2020 Wyoming legislative session, former disgraced county sheriff, Rep. Bill Pownall pushed introduction of House Bill 59, Reporting of Firearms Disqualification. This alarming bill was the first step in the ultimate push for Red Flag laws, overreaching anti-second amendment legislation that deposits as many names into the Federal NICS database as possible.

Rep. Pownall should be held accountable for his troubling actions to strip Americans of their constitutionally protected right to bear arms. In addition, he should be held accountable for his extremely disappointing voting record on numerous bills that oppose Republican values.

You can review more of his votes on the WyoRINO House Vote Index and House Vote Description.

If you would like to contact him, Rep. Bill Pownall can be reached at (307) 682-3124 or Bill.Pownall@wyoleg.gov.