WyoRINO is proud to announce June 2023’s RINO of the Month! This time, the award goes to RINO of the Month “frequent flyer” House Speaker Pro Tempore Clark Stith (HD 48, Sweetwater). While Representative Stith earned this prestigious award only a few months ago, he can’t seem to keep himself from showing his true RINO colors.
It was revealed that Stith, a self-professed “Republican,” personally sponsored a drag show in Rock Springs. Photos from the event show that children danced with scantily clad men. Learn more about the event here: https://cowboystatepolitics.podbean.com/e/undercover-drag-shows-in-your-community-517/
It’s 2023. If a Republican does not understand the optics of personally sponsoring a drag show, he is probably not a Republican. Drag shows are not only overtly sexual and traditionally directed toward adults only– they have become a symbolic rallying cry of the Radical Left.
You can ask Rep. Stith why he sponsored a drag show by contacting him at (307) 389-7735 or Clark.Stith@wyoleg.gov.