On many occasions, Senator Cale Case (Fremont) has made comments about his “libertarian” leanings. We believe that Sen. Case is confused and actually belongs in the Democrat party. Not only has he consistently voted against laws during 2020 which would protect the unborn (SF1-Amendment 3020 and SF 97 Born Alive Infant) but he has continued to cast votes which conflict with the Republican party platform on this issue. During the 2021 legislative session, he voted against the Born Alive Infant Means of Care (SF 34) and Prohibiting Abortifacients (SF 133). There could be no stronger pro-abortion legislator than Sen. Case.
To top it off, Sen. Case voted against this year’s Voter Identification bill (HB 75), which was of top priority to the state Republican party.
If you believe in the traditional Republican stance of defending life from the moment of conception, we hope that you will take the time to let others know of Senator Case’s voting record. He can be reached at cale.case@wyoleg.gov or (307) 332-7623.