
RINO of the Month October 2021

Gov. Mark Gordon

Taking a slight departure from our typical pool of Republican legislator WyoRINOs to choose from, we have decided to call out the RINO behavior of Wyoming’s Republican Governor, Mark Gordon.

Numerous requests have been made by both true Republican Wyoming legislators and the general public for the governor to call a “special session”.  This intent of this plea is to address the unconstitutional federal mandates coming down from the Biden administration in regard to Covid vaccination requirements.  The governor’s response has been extremely weak.

Governor Gordon ran and won on the Republican ticket to become Wyoming’s head leader.  If anything, Gordon has governed like a strong Democrat, allowing an unelected bureaucrat (Alexia Harrist, Wyoming State Health Officer ) to run our state.

If you would like to call and let Governor Mark Gordon know that you support Wyoming Republican Party Platform #12, which calls for strict adherence to the Constitution of the United States, please feel free to do so.  His phone number is (307) 777-7434.