WyoRINO sends a hearty congratulation to its February recipient of the RINO of the Month Award! Rep. Tom Walters (HD 38 – Natrona) not only received a zero on the WyoRINO Vote Index Scorecard, but also received one of the lowest scores on the highly regarded American Conservative Union Foundation 2019 Scorecard for Wyoming*.
Rep. Walters has consistently voted against conservative Republican principles which would lead one to question – is he really a closet Democrat? We will leave that up to your judgment. If you would like to ask Rep. Tom Walters that question or to explain his ten votes scored on the WyoRINO Index, feel free to contact him at (307) 265-8935 or tom.walters@wyoleg.gov.
* http://acuratings.conservative.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2019/09/CLA_Wyoming_2019_web.pdf